Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs)

Integrating Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan Materials to Promote Enrollee Understanding of and Access to Benefits

Integrating Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan Materials to Promote Enrollee Understanding of and Access to Benefits

Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) that operate with exclusively aligned enrollment and cover Medicaid benefits through the D-SNP or an affiliated Medicaid managed care plan – classified as applicable integrated plans (AIPs) – can provide their enrollees with a single set of fully integrated materials that describe both the Medicare and Medicaid benefits covered by the D-SNP (and its affiliated Medicaid plan, when applicable). 

Sample Language for State Medicaid Agency Contracts with Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans

To operate in a state, a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan(D-SNP) must hold a contract with the state Medicaid agency. Those state Medicaid agency contracts (SMACs) must all have at least certain minimum elements, and states can also add additional requirements that aim to further coordination or integration of Medicare and Medicaid benefits for D-SNP enrollees.

Preventing and Addressing Unnecessary Medicaid Eligibility Churn Among Dually Eligible Individuals: Opportunities for States

People who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid benefits often have multiple chronic physical and behavioral health conditions, and many use long-term services and supports (LTSS).1 Unfortunately, a relatively high proportion of dually eligible individuals cycle in and out of Medicaid eligibility, often due to lack of response to state Medicaid renewal notices. This creates disruptions in coverage and care, which can result in adverse health outcomes and increased costs for individuals and states. 

D-SNP-Only Contracts: Benefits and Key Steps for States

This webinar describes the opportunity for states to require Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) that operate with exclusively aligned enrollment to establish contracts with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that only include one or more D-SNPs within a state and integrate certain materials for enrollees.   

Learning Objectives: By the end of this presentation, attendees should be able to:

Sample Language for State Medicaid Agency Contracts with Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs): Optional Language Applicable to Certain D-SNPs

This technical assistance tool is the last in a series of four tools that provide sample State Medicaid Agency Contract (SMAC) language that states can use in contracts with D-SNPs to meet federal requirements and advance state goals regarding care coordination, eligibility and enrollment, data reporting, marketing and enrollee communications, or other requirements regarding D-SNP activities.

This tool provides optional SMAC sample language applicable to certain types of D-SNPs, such as applicable integrated plans (AIPs). 

Sample Language for State Medicaid Agency Contracts with Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs): Requirements for All D-SNPs

This technical assistance tool is the first in a series of four tools that provide sample State Medicaid Agency Contract (SMAC) language that states can use in contracts with D-SNPs to meet federal requirements
and advance state goals regarding care coordination, eligibility and enrollment, data reporting, marketing and enrollee communications, or other requirements regarding D-SNP activities. 

Sample Language for State Medicaid Agency Contracts with Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs): Requirements for Certain Types of D-SNPs

This technical assistance tool is the second in a series of four tools that provide sample State Medicaid Agency
Contract (SMAC) language that states can use in contracts with D-SNPs to meet federal requirements and advance state goals regarding care coordination, eligibility and enrollment, data reporting, marketing and enrollee communications, or other requirements regarding D-SNP activities.

Sample Language for State Medicaid Agency Contracts with Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs): Optional Language Applicable to All D-SNPs

This technical assistance tool is the third in a series of four tools that provide sample State Medicaid Agency Contract (SMAC) language that states can use in contracts with D-SNPs to meet federal requirements and advance state goals regarding care coordination, eligibility and enrollment, data reporting, marketing and enrollee communications, or other requirements regarding D-SNP activities.

This tool provides optional SMAC sample language applicable to all types of D-SNPs.