Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

  • December 2016

    Report to Congress: Social Risk Factors and Performance Under Medicare's Value-Based Purchasing Programs

    This report, mandated by the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 ("IMPACT Act"), details research conducted on the relationships between social rick factors and performance in Medicare's value-based… (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation [ASPE])
  • Other Resource | March 2016

    Minnesota Managed Care Longitudinal Data Analysis

    This report compares utilization of community-based services by dually eligible beneficiaries enrolled in a fully integrated managed care program to those of beneficiaries receiving Medicare and Medicaid services from separate delivery systems.… (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation [ASPE])
  • March 2015

    Effect of PACE on Costs, Nursing Home Admissions, and Mortality: 2006-2011

    This report examines the effects of PACE on Medicare and Medicaid expenditures, use of nursing facility use, and mortality. (Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation)
  • January 2014

    Evaluating PACE: A Review of the Literature

    This report uses existing evaluations of PACE to summarize the available evidence on the effect of PACE on: Medicare and Medicaid costs; hospital and nursing facility use; quality of care, satisfaction and quality of life; and mortality. (Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation)