States seeking to integrate Medicare and Medicaid services for dually eligible beneficiaries need to consider a variety of issues in program design and implementation such as incorporating behavioral health and long-term services and supports, consumers and providers engagement, and linking Medicare and Medicaid data. Use the filter below to view resources related to these and other topics.
The Medicare and Medicaid Technical Guide is a reference document used by Financial Alignment Initiative demonstration states and their partner Medicare Advantage plans and enrollment brokers to use as a guide to process their enrollment and related… (Infocrossing)
This technical assistance tool provides tables describing both general and special election periods relevant to the enrollment of dually eligible indiviuals in drug management programs into Medicare Advantage plans, including Medicare--Medicaid… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This State Medicaid Director Letter invites states to partner with CMS to test innovative approaches to better serve individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. The three new opportunities include: capitated Financial… (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This MACPAC report reviews and analyzes care coordination requirements in the managed care organization contracts of nine states participating in demonstrations under the Financial Alignment Initiative, 10 states that contract with Fully Integrated… (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission)
This document answers questions that states have asked about improving the processes they use to regularly identify prospective Medicare-Medicaid individuals for potential enrollment into their capitated financial alignment demonstrations.
(Integrated Care Resource Center)
This document describes the process that states and health plans participating in the capitated financial alignment demonstrations use to submit information to CMS' MARx systems.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This document describes a Microsoft Access tool to prioritize information in the MARx system Daily Transaction Reply Report, and it explains states can use it to improve the timeliness and efficiency of their demonstration enrollment processes.
(Integrated Care Resource Center)
This report provides preliminary data for the first 18 months of Washington's managed fee-for-service demonstration. It includes a description of the demonstration model, preliminary findings on eligibility and enrollment in the demonstration,… (RTI International)
This report describes early implementation activities occurring in the first six months of the seven financial alignment demonstrations launched as of May 1, 2014.
(RTI International)
This report describes beneficiary experiences with enrollment processes, communication about the model of care, and understanding of care coordination services under the capitated model financial alignment demonstrations.
(Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission)
This website provides information on the Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative -- the capitated model Financial Alignment Initiative in Illinois.
(Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services)
The CalDuals website provides information on Cal MediConnect -- the capitated model Financial Alignment Initiative in California.
(California Department of Health Care Services)
These documents, including California's proposal, three-way contract, readiness review tool, and evaluation design plan, are posted on the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office's website.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)