States seeking to integrate Medicare and Medicaid services for dually eligible beneficiaries need to consider a variety of issues in program design and implementation such as incorporating behavioral health and long-term services and supports, consumers and providers engagement, and linking Medicare and Medicaid data. Use the filter below to view resources related to these and other topics.
This informational bulletin informs states of two changes that may impact states’ payments for Medicaid beneficiaries in the nursing home setting.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This webinar provides an overview of two health plans' approaches to Medicare-Medicaid value based purchasing (VBP) with nursing facilities. The presentation also features a panel discussion on Medicare-Medicaid nursing facility VBP with discussants… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This brief describes value-based payment approaches currently used in select states and managed care plans, including the quality and performance measures they use, benchmarks or targets for those measures, and incentives that reward facilities. It… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This presentation discusses successful approaches to building collaborative working relationships between states, health plans, and nursing facility providers in integrated Medicare-Medicaid programs
(Integrated Care Resource Center)
The webinar features perspectives and lessons learned from two Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (FIDE SNPs) - HealthPartners in Minnesota and Bridgeway Health Solutions in Arizona - and from The Curators of the University of… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This brief outlines the options available to states in both capitated and fee-for-service arrangements to reduce avoidable hospitalizations from nursing facilities.
(Integrated Care Resource Center)
This tool will be used by CMS to perform compliance reviews on state Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Transition Plans.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This presentation provides information about the Medicaid HCBS Final Rule along with tools and resources for state advocates to assist with implementation.
(National Council on Aging)
This document provides a summary of the ten key elements that CMS expects to see incorporated into new and existing state Medicaid MLTSS programs.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This document describes the ten key elements that CMS expects to see incorporated into new and existing state Medicaid MLTSS programs.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)