States seeking to integrate Medicare and Medicaid services for dually eligible beneficiaries need to consider a variety of issues in program design and implementation such as incorporating behavioral health and long-term services and supports, consumers and providers engagement, and linking Medicare and Medicaid data. Use the filter below to view resources related to these and other topics.
Integrating Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan Materials to Promote Enrollee Understanding of and Access to Benefits
Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) that operate with exclusively aligned enrollment and cover Medicaid benefits through the D-… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This CMS memorandum describes the final Contract Year 2021 model notices for Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans that are applicable integrated plans, "Letter about Your Right to Make a Fast Complaint" and "Appeal Decision Letter", which are both… (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This webinar provides an overview of two health plans' approaches to Medicare-Medicaid value based purchasing (VBP) with nursing facilities. The presentation also features a panel discussion on Medicare-Medicaid nursing facility VBP with discussants… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This tip sheet describes how states can start to improve member materials by using contractual requirements to ensure that Medicare and Medicaid benefit information for aligned plans is incorporated into a single, streamlined Summary of… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This brief describes value-based payment approaches currently used in select states and managed care plans, including the quality and performance measures they use, benchmarks or targets for those measures, and incentives that reward facilities. It… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This brief outlines a variety of actions that states and health plans can take to support enrollment growth in integrated care programs.
(Integrated Care Resource Center)
This report, mandated by the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 ("IMPACT Act"), details research conducted on the relationships between social rick factors and performance in Medicare's value-based… (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation [ASPE])
This presentation provides an overview of the major differences between Medicare and Medicaid marketing requirements and opportunities for better alignment, and it also offers lessons from MassHealth's roll out of Massachusetts' integrated… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This brief provides an overview of managed care marketing requirements in both Medicare and Medicaid, highlights the different sets of rules, and outlines steps taken to better align them.
(Integrated Care Resource Center)