States seeking to integrate Medicare and Medicaid services for dually eligible beneficiaries need to consider a variety of issues in program design and implementation such as incorporating behavioral health and long-term services and supports, consumers and providers engagement, and linking Medicare and Medicaid data. Use the filter below to view resources related to these and other topics.
This memo provides information to PACE organizations to help control and prevent the spread of the virus to causes COVID-19.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) final rule strengthens patient protections, improves care coordination, and provides administrative flexibilities and regulatory relief for Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the… (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
To provide more integrated, coordinated care for its residents who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, Washington State is operating a demonstration under the Financial Alignment Initiative offered by the Centers for Medicare &… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organizations now serve a greater number of older adults with serious mental illness (SMI) than ever before, and increasingly include behavioral health providers in their care teams to meet the… (Center for Health Care Strategies)
This report provides preliminary data for the first 18 months of Washington's managed fee-for-service demonstration. It includes a description of the demonstration model, preliminary findings on eligibility and enrollment in the demonstration,… (RTI International)
This report describes early implementation activities occurring in the first six months of the seven financial alignment demonstrations launched as of May 1, 2014.
(RTI International)
This report presents information on the frailty level, access to care, and the quality of care of PACE participants enrolled with for-profit PACE organizations as compared to not-for-profit PACE organizations and is based on the <a href="… (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This report examines the effects of PACE on Medicare and Medicaid expenditures, use of nursing facility use, and mortality.
(Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation)
This report uses existing evaluations of PACE to summarize the available evidence on the effect of PACE on: Medicare and Medicaid costs; hospital and nursing facility use; quality of care, satisfaction and quality of life; and mortality.
(Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation)
Chapter 5 of this report to Congress examines rate setting in capitated integrated care programs including PACE.
(Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission)
This brief reviews primary care case management and related models to gather insights into key program design elements in managed fee-for-service models.
(Integrated Care Resource Center)
This web page provides information on the Accountable Care Collaborative Medicare-Medicaid Program -- the managed fee-for-service model Financial Alignment Initiative in Colorado.
(Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing)
This webpage provides a general overview of PACE and links to more information for individuals, states, and PACE programs.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This webpage provides information for state Medicaid agencies and state administering agencies about operating PACE programs.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)