States seeking to integrate Medicare and Medicaid services for dually eligible beneficiaries need to consider a variety of issues in program design and implementation such as incorporating behavioral health and long-term services and supports, consumers and providers engagement, and linking Medicare and Medicaid data. Use the filter below to view resources related to these and other topics.
This document accompanies the video and provides questions to help health plan case managers examine their impressions and opinions of what they have watched in the video.
(Integrated Care Resource Center)
The ability to direct and manage their own services and supports is important to many individuals who need the home- and community-based services (HCBS) provided through state Medicaid programs. These self-directed models may also be known as "… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This webinar provides an overview of the Administration for Community Living's initiative to improve the business acumen of community-based organizations (CBOs) and features perspectives from a CBO and a health plan on building contractual… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This resource center gives states tools for developing or refining rate-setting methods for Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) or Medicare-Medicaid integrated care programs.
(Center for Health Care Strategies)
This webinar features an overview of MLTSS rate setting basics, shares initial findings from a project on Medicaid MLTSS rate setting, and also includes a facilitated discussion with an expert actuary and state representatives from Tennessee and… (Integrated Care Resource Center)
This report compares utilization of community-based services by dually eligible beneficiaries enrolled in a fully integrated managed care program to those of beneficiaries receiving Medicare and Medicaid services from separate delivery systems.… (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation [ASPE])
During site visits to five states (Arizona, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin), researchers identified major themes related to the rapid growth of Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs and the diversity of ways… (Mathematica)
This brief examines considerations for rate setting in Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs and spotlights the experiences of eight statesin establishing MLTSS payment rates.
(Center for Health Care Strategies)
This report summarizes care coordination models and care coordinator responsibilities in Medicaid managed long-term services and supports programs in 18 states.
(AARP Public Policy Institute)
This tool will be used by CMS to perform compliance reviews on state Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Transition Plans.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This document summarizes key discussions during a roundtable with a group of federal and state officials and other experts on issues related to how rebalancing progress in capitated Medicaid MLTSS programs is measured.
(Kaiser Family Foundation)
This issue brief details four considerations that community-based organizations (CBOs) need to address when assessing the feasibility of participating in a managed long-term services and supports program: (1) relevant skill set and experience; (2)… (National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities)