Integrated Care Resource Center

This webinar discusses strategies states can use to encourage enrollment in integrated care programs, including communicating the value of integrated care to dually eligible individuals through direct outreach and education, partnering with SHIPs and other trusted organizations to educate dually eligible individuals, and leveraging policy options to promote enrollment in integrated care programs. This webinar also describes discuss additional factors that can affect integrated care program enrollment.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this presentation, attendees should be able to describe:

  • The scope of state authority to encourage enrollment in integrated care;
  • Key points, opportunities, and methods to communicate the value of integrated care;
  • How to partner with counselors and community-based organizations to educate consumers;
  • How to engage providers to communicate the value and benefits to patients and clients;
  • Available policy opportunities to encourage enrollment in integrated care; and
  • Additional factors that can affect enrollment.

Speakers: Speakers include the following ICRC staff:

  • Malia Valentine
  • Matthew Phan
  • Fariha Mujeebuddin
  • Nida Joseph