The most recent demographic, enrollment, and expenditure data for dually eligible beneficiaries is in the zip file "State and County Data File 2012" found on the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office website. Additional data and statistical resources for the years 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2011 can be found in the Medicare-Medicaid Enrollee State Profiles. See also Defining Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees in CMS Data Sources.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
These documents, including Washington's proposal and evaluation design plan, are posted on the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office's website.
(Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
This website provides information on the Washington State Health Home Program -- the managed fee-for-service model Financial Alignment Initiative demonstration in Washington.
(Washington State Department of Social and Health Services)
This brief assesses Washington State's oversight of Medicaid managed care plan performance under the state's 1915 (b) waiver by quantifying monitoring practices and comparing them to benchmarks inside and outside of Washington State.
This report describes early implementation activities occurring in the first six months of the seven financial alignment demonstrations launched as of May 1, 2014.
(RTI International)
Topic: Capitated Model, Managed Fee-for-Service Model
This brief describes early efforts in four states to improve integration of behavioral health services for Medicare-Medicaid beneficiaries.
(Center for Health Care Strategies)
These materials including a meeting agenda, beneficiary profiles, definition of terms, dual coverage overview, and meeting evaluation were used for meetings with stakeholders.
(Washington State Health Care Authority)
To provide more integrated, coordinated care for its residents who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, Washington State is operating a demonstration under the Financial Alignment Initiative offered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This case study describes: (1) the demonstration’s structure; (2) results achieved to date; and (3) insights on the demonstration’s implementation from the state and other stakeholders.
(Integrated Care Resource Center)
This brief describes key considerations for developing interdisciplinary care teams and explores how eight states addressed issues such as engaging providers and measurement approaches.
(Center for Health Care Strategies)
Topic: Assessment, Care Planning, and Care Coordination, Provider Engagement
This report provides preliminary data for the first 18 months of Washington's managed fee-for-service demonstration. It includes a description of the demonstration model, preliminary findings on eligibility and enrollment in the demonstration, characteristics of the demonstration eligible population, selected early results on quality and utilization, and an estimate of Medicare savings.
(RTI International)