Background on Long-Term Services and Supports

Perspectives on Ombudsman Programs Serving Dually Eligible Individuals: Services Offered and Value Added


This webinar provides an overview of the role of ombudsman programs in integrated care programs serving dually eligible individuals. Using the ombudsman programs developed for the demonstrations under the Financial Alignment Initiative as an example, the webinar examines ways that states have structured these programs, the types of supports that they can offer, and the value they provide to both consumers and state Medicaid agencies.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this presentation, attendees should be able to:

Picking Up the Pace of Change: A State Scorecard on Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Adults, People with Physical Disabilities, and Family Caregivers

This third edition of the scorecard measures state performance in creating a high-quality system of care for older adults and people with physical disabilities, and their family caregivers. The report presents results across five dimensions: (1) affordability and access; (2) choice and setting of provider; (3) quality of life and quality of care; (4) support for family caregivers; and (5) effective transitions.