Technical Assistance Tool

Fillable Tables for States Assessing the Fiscal Viability of a Medicare Part A Buy-in Agreement

States may execute a Medicare Part A buy-in agreement with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to facilitate access to Medicare Part A and dual eligible status under the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) eligibility group. This access is beneficial to individuals and could also reduce administrative burden and costs for providers and states. However, as of November 2021, fourteen states do not have a Part A buy-in agreement.

Assessing the Fiscal Viability of a Medicare Part A Buy-in Agreement in Group Payer States

States may execute a Medicare Part A buy-in agreement with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to facilitate access to Medicare Part A and dual eligible status under the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) eligibility group. This access is beneficial to individuals and could also reduce administrative burden and costs for providers and states. However, as of November 2021, fourteen states do not have a Part A buy-in agreement.

Integrated Appeal and Grievance Processes for Integrated D-SNPs with “Exclusively Aligned Enrollment”

On April 16, 2019, CMS released a final rule that implements provisions of the 2018 Bipartisan Budget Act (BBA) requiring greater D-SNP integration, including integrated plan-level appeal and grievance processes for certain “applicable integrated plans.” This fact sheet is intended to help states with applicable integrated plans understand the new integrated appeal and grievance processes, the types of D-SNPs that are required to use them, and steps that states can take to help ensure effective implementation of the new processes in 2021.

Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) Enrollment Restrictions Resulting from the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA)

This technical assistance tool describes the regulation that allows Medicare plans that provide prescription drug coverage (including MMPs) to use drug management programs to limit access to certain controlled substances determined to be “frequently abused drugs” for patients who are determined to be at-risk for prescription drug abuse due to the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA).

Related Resources:

Using Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) Files to Identify Dually Eligible Individuals

States need to be able to identify individuals who are (or will become) dually eligible for several reasons. Since 2005, states have exchanged files  -- known as the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) files -- with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that identify current and prospective dually eligible individuals. This technical assistance tools explains how states can identify Medicaid enrollees who are currently dually eligible, as well as Medicaid enrollees who will become dually eligible in the next three months (known as “prospective” dually eligi

State Guide to Identifying Aligned Enrollees: How to Find Medicare Plan Enrollment for Dually Eligible Individuals in Medicaid Managed Care Plans

States can advance integrated care for dually eligible individuals by promoting aligned enrollment in Medicare Advantage Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) and Medicaid managed care plans owned by the same parent company (“affiliated” plans). Dually eligible individuals who receive Medicare and Medicaid coverage from affiliated plans can benefit from improved integration of benefits and care coordination.

Appeals and Grievances: Comparisons of Existing and New Integrated Processes for Individuals Enrolled in Applicable Integrated Plans

Beginning in 2021, Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) with exclusively aligned enrollment must begin using integrated appeals and grievance processes. The flowcharts in this resource are designed to help states, health plans, and other stakeholders understand the differences between existing Medicare and Medicaid appeal and grievance processes and the new integrated appeal and grievance processes established at 42 CFR Part 422 Subpart M for fully and highly integrated D-SNPs with exclusively aligned enrollment.