State oversight and monitoring of Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) can help to ensure that these plans operate in a way that promotes integration and coordination of care for dually eligible individuals.
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This webinar builds on ICRC's Fall 2023 Introductory D-SNP quality oversight and improvement tip sheet and webinar, focusing on how states can improve the quality of LTSS and behavioral health services. ICRC staff explain the importance of improving the quality of LTSS and behavioral health services for dually eligible individuals, describe the quality improvement lifecycle; and provide examples of ways that states can identity LTSS and behavioral health quality measures and quality improvement opportunities for D-SNPs, set measurable goals and objectives, implement quality improvement tools, and evaluate progress towards meeting state LTSS and behavioral health quality improvement goals.
Improving Quality and Performance in D-SNPs: Monitoring and Oversight Tips for States
This webinar describes the Medicare resources available to states to monitor D-SNP performance and provide tips for states on incorporating D-SNPs into Medicaid quality improvement activities. (ICRC, November 2023)
Tips for States on Incorporating D-SNPs into Medicaid Quality Improvement Activities
This tip sheet describes the Medicare resources available to states to monitor Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) performance, explains how states can leverage those resources for Medicaid managed care quality oversight and improvement, and provides tips for states on incorporating D-SNPs into Medicaid quality improvement activities. (ICRC, October 2023)
This resource shows how states can use CMS data to create tables, graphs, and figures and interpret their meaning in order to assess D-SNP performance. (ICRC, January 2018)
This tip sheet describes how states can use the results of Medicare program audits to identify performance issues impacting dually eligible beneficiaries’ receipt of care coordination, long-term services and supports, durable medical equipment, and other services, and incorporate that information into their audit and oversight activities. (ICRC, June 2018)
D-SNP Performance Monitoring and Oversight: State Experiences and CMS Resources
This webinar covers resources and strategies available to states to begin or improve their oversight of Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs). Presenters provide an overview of CMS’ publicly available D-SNP performance monitoring resources and share approaches used by Oregon and Tennessee to incorporate performance monitoring and oversight requirements into D-SNP contracts. (ICRC, April 2019)
How States Can Use Medicare Advantage Star Ratings to Assess D-SNP Quality and Performance
This technical assistance tool explains the five-star quality rating system that CMS uses to evaluate the performance of Medicare Advantage health plans and how states can use star ratings data for integrated care program oversight. (ICRC, October 2019)