Integrated Care Resource Center

This is part one of a two-part Integrated Care Resource Center (ICRC) Working with Medicare webinar on Medicare 101, held on March 22, 2021.

This webinar provides an overview of Medicare benefits, how Medicare and Medicaid benefits overlap and interact for dually eligible individuals, and steps that states can take to improve care for vulnerable dually eligible populations. The webinar is especially helpful to state staff who are new to or seek a refresher on Medicare.

Webinar 1: Medicare 101: An Introduction to Medicare Benefits and the Roles of Medicare and Medicaid in Serving Dually Eligible Individuals

Learning Objectives: By the end of this presentation, attendees should be able to describe:

  • Who dually eligible individuals are and why coordination of Medicare and Medicaid benefits is important for this population;
  • The benefits that Medicare covers and Medicare coverage options;
  • Examples of how certain Medicare and Medicaid benefits overlap; and
  • When Medicaid might be the primary payer for certain benefits that are covered by both Medicare and Medicaid.


  • Danielle Perra, Center for Health Care Strategies
  • Ana Talamas, Mathematica
  • Kelsey Cowen, Mathematica

Part two of this webinar series, Medicare 201: Actions States Can Take to Improve Quality and Coordination of Care for Dually Eligible Individuals, can be found here.