Integrated Care Resource Center

This webinar provides an update on new information-sharing requirements for Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) for 2021 and a review of key questions and considerations for states in working with D-SNPs to modify state contracts and develop a state-specific information-sharing approach. The call features state speakers from Pennsylvania who will share their experiences in developing a health plan to health plan information-sharing process in Pennsylvania, representatives from a Pennsylvania health plan, and a speaker from the District of Columbia discussing its approach to establishing data sharing around hospital and skilled nursing facility admissions in a fee-for-service environment.


Learning Objectives: By the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe the goals of the new information-sharing requirements;
  • Identify elements that need to be added to D-SNP contracts for CY2021;
  • Explain considerations and options for states in developing new information-sharing processes; and
  • Take next steps to create information-sharing processes and draft needed contract language.



  • Alexandra Kruse, Integrated Care Resource Center
  • Wilmarie Gonzalez and Dr. Larry Appel, Office of Long-Term Living, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
  • Anthony Davis and Michael Smith, UPMC Health Plan
  • Katherine Rogers, District of Columbia Medicaid